We bring our clients unrivaled tax advice, expertise in value-creating transactions, technology and forensic.


We assist clients with different challenges - from express risk diagnostics to complex investigations and asset tracing projects
Our team will help protect your investments and projects. We will clearly define risks and threat models, collusion options and damage inflicting scenarios.
We will build and implement a set of the most efficient prevention and response measures based on risks, threats and scenarios.

Over 50 experienced analysts, including regional experts who speak more than 25 languages (including Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and European and CIS languages). Our specialists have extensive experience in analytical work, as well as providing training for clients’ responsible employees and building relevant processes in companies.

We use a proven data collection and analysis methodology built upon a well-developed base of official sources of corporate and market information in more than 120 countries, as well as a network of field experts who help us verify and update information from open sources. We assist clients in adjusting and building relevant processes and training responsible employees based on our extensive experience in analytical work and analysis of the relevant division functioning.