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ESG & Sustainability consulting
- Analyzing and improving sustainability management systems
- Setting sustainability goals and developing KPIs
- Formulating sustainability strategies and integrating sustainability aspects into the business strategy
- Preparing and updating internal regulations on sustainability
- Identifying stakeholders, preparing engagement plans, getting in touch to clarify their expectations
- Assessing supply chains in terms of sustainability
- Assessing the product life cycle
- Holding workshops and corporate trainings on sustainability management
- Assessing a company’s current ESG management practices, including their compliance with requirements of ESG ratings
- Developing roadmaps to improve approaches to managing ESG aspects
- Supporting the implementation of the roadmaps
- Developing and updating relevant internal documentation
- Developing content for ESG pages of corporate websites
- Preparing ESG presentations for investors
- Assisting with promptly responding to stakeholder requests on ESG issues
- Producing annual and integrated reports according to GRI, SASB, IR, TCFD, UN Global Compact requirements
- Producing sustainability and ESG reports
- Assessing and adjusting non-financial information accounting, collection and consolidation systems
- Improving and automating non-financial reporting systems
- Holding workshops and trainings, including on integrated reporting
- Assessing a company’s current ESG management practices, including their compliance with requirements of ESG ratings
- Developing roadmaps to improve approaches to managing ESG aspects
- Supporting the implementation of the roadmaps
- Developing and updating relevant internal documentation
- Developing content for ESG pages of corporate websites
- Preparing ESG presentations for investors
- Assisting with promptly responding to stakeholder requests on ESG issues
- Assessing and building biodiversity management systems in accordance with the IFC, IPIECA, ISO, ICMM, ASI requirements and best practices
- Assessing natural (biological) footprint at corporate level
- Developing corporate standards and programs to prevent net loss of biodiversity and ensure its net gain
- Developing corporate biodiversity indicators, monitoring programs and interactive maps of project activities
- Designing offsets
- Producing corporate reports in compliance with international standards
- Holding workshops and trainings
- GIS modeling and GIS prediction of impacts on biodiversity
- Building accounting systems, inventories of GHG emission sources
- Quantifying GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2, 3) and product carbon footprint
- Automating data collection and quantitative assessment of GHG emissions; integrating with existing IT systems
- Developing strategies to decarbonize production processes
- Providing assurance of GHG emissions reporting: engagement planning; analyzing calculations and input data; visiting production facilities, drafting and issuing a report
- Advisory support for companies during verification of their reports by an independent body
- Developing recommendations to improve corporate monitoring and accounting systems
- Supporting the implementation of climate-related projects in accordance with international and national standards
- Building operating models of energy management functions
- Developing and implementing integrated systems to manage energy efficiency, GHG emissions and climate risks in accordance with international standards
- Integrating energy management systems with corporate environmental protection and sustainability management systems
- Holding workshops and training sessions on the energy efficiency management system
- determination of energy intensity and energy content of production processes
- energy efficiency benchmark analysis of production processes; gap analysis
- creation of a program for energy efficiency improvement, including
- relevant organizational and technical arrangements
- Assessing climate risks in accordance with the TCFD and ISSB S2 recommendations
- Developing climate scenarios for company’s standard production facilities
- Creating lists of system-based measures (tools) to manage climate risks
- Conducting financial assessments of company’s climate risks
- Analyzing context and scenarios of development of international climate policy, including implementation of the Paris Agreement mechanisms on the international and national levels
- Developing proposals for climate policy frameworks
- Developing regional and sectoral climate change adaptation plans
- Developing programs and corporate strategies aimed at decarbonization and climate risk management
- Developing stakeholder engagement programs on climate change adaptation, including developing company’s position in negotiations with regulators
- Analyzing and improving management practices related to social, charitable and sponsorship activities
- Implementing social performance management mechanisms and developing relevant performance indicators
- Assessing performance of selected social and charitable projects/programs
- Assessing social and economic environment in company’s operating regions and their sustainable development potential
- Developing corporate social investment strategies
- Ensuring compliance with the requirements of international financial institutions in terms of project financing
- Analyzing and assessing production- related social impacts and risks
- Ensuring compliance with human rights requirements, including identification of all rights holders and the risks they are exposed to
- Performing assessments and formulating recommendations to improve corporate governance systems
- Developing internal regulations for companies
- Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements of stock exchanges
- Assessing performance of boards, their committees and developing recommendations for improving
- Providing methodological support for and assisting with self-assessment of boards and their committees
- Verifying occupational health and safety (OHS) KPIs and auditing the implementation of programs and instructions of the OHS board committee
- Assessing risk management systems and their maturity level in accordance with international and national standards
- Developing operational risk management approaches and implementing enterprise risk management (ERM) systems
- Developing risk management methodological documents — policies, standards, etc.
- Holding training sessions for employees
Conducting quantitative and qualitative assessment of
- probability of achieving goals and
- objectives given the impact of risks and uncertainties
- impact of risks on the financial, economic and strategic performance
- impact of risks on the timing, cost and targets of investment projects
- risk of workplace accidents using technical methods of process hazard analysis (HAZOP, HAZID, bow-tie, etc.)
- likelihood of budget implementation given the risks
- impact of risks and uncertainties on key performance indicators using specialized software
- Developing application software to assess impact of risks on key performance indicators
- Testing and, if necessary, enhancing existing models of quantitative assessment of risks
- Conducting trainings and educational programs on the use of quantitative assessment tools
- Analyzing and assessing efficiency of maintenance and repair management systems
- Operating costs analysis
- Building reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) systems based on risk-oriented approaches
- Implementing lean production tools and total productive management (TPM) practices
- Developing regulatory and methodological documents related to maintenance and repair management
- Conducting technical audits
- Creating OHS strategies, including based on Vision Zero principles, and related strategy implementation plans
- Assessing safety culture level
- Implementing tools to develop safety culture
- Assessing efficiency of OHS management processes
- Launching risk assessments, internal accident investigations, root cause analyses, near miss recording and analyzing, OHS-related internal audits, contractor OHS management and other transformational processes
- Verifying completed risk assessments and prioritizing (based on a risk-based approach) investment programs aimed at improving OHS level
- Supporting implementation of OHS processes (developing competency models, communication and educational materials, training internal coaches and top managers, monitoring efficiency of implemented processes)
- Developing OHS communications programs
- Launching digital transformation projects related to OHS processes
Case description: A company is preparing an IPO on a European stock exchange and would like to assess its ESG system against best practices and its competitors.
Our response: Our professionals start by performing a diagnostic assessment of the current development level of ESG management practices (based on stock ex criteria and industry best practices). Our team:
- identifies the most relevant ESG requirements (stock ex, regulatory, ESG- ratings, peers). Prepares a list of ESG main requirements
- conduct a benchmark analysis through ESG main requirements
- conduct gap analysis between the company’s practices and ESG main requirements
- assesses the current development level of ESG management practices
- prepares a list of recommendations to improve ESG management practices. Ranking of recommendations — quick wins, short- and long-term, period and budget evaluation.
Benefits to the client:
- detailed ESG diagnostic due diligence report
- ESG roadmap for improving sustainable development management practices
Case description: The Company’s management wishes to create a methodological base for assessing and performing climate risk quantifications in accordance with current standards, in order to evaluate current exposure and future risks for existing assets and planned investments.
Our response: Our climate risk assessment methodology can be asset or process based, depending on the client business and specific project needs. We carry out comprehensive research within the company (including surveys, workshops, process analysis) and also refer to industry benchmarks to determine physical and transition climate risks related to the company. We help the corporate risk team build a climate risk register and provide a supporting methodology that can be regularly updated in accordance with ISO 31000. We elaborate at least three climate scenarios and provide data on modelling climate indicators, as well as macroeconomics indicators as inputs for modelling. The mathematical modelling is itself is performed with the help of probabilistic functions and random processes incorporated into the Monte-Carlo simulation model. This method provides sophisticated results and probability based risk measures. The developed model has user friendly dashboards to enable an easier interpretation of results by non-risk specialists. Our team also draws up a list of measures for adapting to climate change, taking into account the provisions of national policies and international industrial practices.
Benefits to the client:
- A corporate climate risk register.
- A climate risk assessment methodology.
- Climate risk scenarios.
- A risk quantification model.
- Recommendations on applying system measures (tools) to manage identified climate risks.
Case description: A large industrial company has decided to develop a project to capture and harness the CO2 produced from its operations. Corporate management believes this could be beneficial from a financial perspective as well.
Our response: We provide comprehensive support for the client, from the project design and documentation stage to carbon credit issuance and verification. Starting with project due diligence we:
- assess the possibility of formalising the selected measures as a carbon offsetting project
- select an appropriate methodology
- perform a baseline study (identifying and reviewing alternative scenarios, common practice analyses, establishing an appropriate business-as-usual scenario)
Our professionals assist during the project design documentation (PDD) development stage of all types of climate projects. This phase includes:
- a detailed description of the project
- applying an appropriate methodology (incl. demonstration of additionality)
- quantifying GHG emissions / GHG emission reductions, incl. creating a GHG calculation model
- monitoring plan and actions
We provide a range of support during the validation, verification, and issuing of the monitoring report and work with the following standards:
- Verified Carbon Standard (Verra)
- Global Carbon Council
- Cercarbono
- Upstream Emissions Reduction
- ISO 14064-2
Benefits to the client:
- Formalising the planned activities as a carbon offsetting project
- Profit from the sale of carbon units
- Compliance with global greenhouse gas emissions management best practices
Case description: A company is interested in issuing a report on its GHG emissions and carbon footprint for various purposes, including enhancing its transparency and reporting quality for investors and stakeholders.
Our response: Our project team starts by determining and confirming the GHG quantification approach methodology. This helps ensure a smooth project delivery and manage the performance of all project members. We conceptualise the various business processes and inventory of GHG emission sources, and hold interviews with key stakeholders, functional leaders, and specialists within the company. As the information is collected the following calculations are performed:
- quantification of Scope 1, 2, 3 GHG emissions ISO 14064-1:2018, GHG Protocol
- calculating the carbon footprint of products under ISO 14067:2018, GHG Protocol LCA
- calculating the carbon footprint of products under special requirements (WSA, IAI, GIIGNL, API Compendium, etc.)
In addition, the team can perform a benchmarking analysis of the carbon intensity of processes against global best practices and BAT, alongside assessing the effects of reducing GHG emissions following the implementation of benchmarking measures.
Benefits to the client:
- Guidelines elaborated for it to monitor and quantify its GHG emissions, carbon intensity, and carbon footprint.
- Direct and indirect energy related GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2) quantified
- advisory support for the procedure of verification of carbon reporting by certification bodies
- Indirect non-energy related GHG emissions quantified (Scope 3).
- Benchmarking analysis and potential decarbonisation assessment performed.