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Market intelligence

Market intelligence
The Tenet team addresses a wide range of research and analytical issues to support a business’s strategic and operational decision-making. Our assessments can take the form of a response to a specific question or a comprehensive analytical review.
To solve research issues, we have developed our own methodological approaches that are tailored to each request, and we also harness the following main methods and sources:
  • Ascertain the jurisdictions of presence of the inspectee and prepare a list of individuals and legal entities that may own assets for their benefit.
  • Analysis of open source data: official statistics, publications, and reporting from market players; materials and comments from relevant business alliances and associations, etc.
  • Access to paid databases and information resources.
  • Interviews with market players and representatives of the expert community.
  • Field studies (public surveys, retail audits) in liaison with reliable contractors.

Our standard projects are as follows:

Full-scope market research
What we analyse:
  • Demand: How many products are being consumed in physical and monetary terms? Who are the main consumers? In which direction is the market moving and what is determining its development? What is important for the consumer?
  • Supply: How many products are produced and imported? Who are the main players? Which business models do they use? What are their operating results? Are they planning a capacity expansion?
  • How are products priced?
  • Which raw materials are required for production and to what extent are they available?
  • Which barriers exist to entering the market?
We tailor our work based on your needs and goals:
  • What are our clients’ objectives: to make a decision on establishing a partnership or to enter new geographical and product markets.
  • How we add value for clients: we know where and how to collect data, generate a large number of sources, communicate with the market to verify data, and provide information so that it clearly answers the questions posed.
  • Selected projects: granulated slag market analysis, milk whey market analysis, global lithium-ion battery market research.
Benchmarking research
  • What we benchmark: companies, processes, functions, fabricability, prices, and other indicators.
  • What are our clients’ objectives: self-benchmarking against competitors, optimising business processes, checking the terms of working with counterparties or choosing new ones.
  • How we add value for clients: we collect information not only from open data sources but also directly from market representatives; data are then standardised to ensure comparability.
  • Selected projects: analysis of equipment suppliers in China, comparative analysis of the cost of product certification services, benchmarking operating indicators in the sugar refining industry.
Best practice analysis
  • What we analyse: best practices at a company, within an industry, and at country level.
  • What are our clients’ objectives: to make a decision on business development and changes to the processes being analysed; to raise market awareness of existing practices.
  • How we add value for clients: we help understand which strategies and approaches really work and which don’t, and establish what best market practices are.
  • Selected projects: ways to combat insurance fraud, setting up museum exhibitions, digitalisation of a client’s service, production waste management.
Preparing expert opinions to be used in court
  • What we analyse: the product market or industry situation, market indicators at a certain point in time — companies’ market shares, prices, level of competition, contribution to the economy.
  • What are our clients’ objectives: to substantiate their position in commercial proceedings or in regulatory disputes.
  • How we add value for clients: we ensure the independence of the expert report, can act as expert witnesses, and have experience in the courts of Moscow (ICAC), Stockholm (SCC), Luxembourg (ICSID), Singapore (SIAC), London (LCIA), the ICC International Court of Arbitration, and in other jurisdictions.
  • Selected projects: assessment of a group’s share in fiscal revenues, analysis of average market prices for food products.
Information and analytical support for a business
  • What we do: outsourcing the internal analytical function, information support for business units (strategy, PR, sales, etc.), preparing regular reviews on the topic.
  • What are our clients’ objectives: to keep abreast of the market, make strategic and operational decisions, raise stakeholder awareness on a specific issue.
  • How we add value for clients: we help prepare analytics faster and more efficiently, free up internal resources to allow other issues to be resolved, and offer flexible forms of interaction.
  • Selected projects: trend analyses in various industries, public research.
Technological research and commercialisation of emerging technologies
  • What we do: patent and bibliometric studies, analysis of technology solutions, analysis of trends in using and commercialising the results of global innovation research, research the market for promising technology solutions, elaborate a go-to-market approach (including value propositions, monetisation models, potential partnerships) and feasibility studies.
  • What are our clients’ objectives: to introduce innovations, choose areas of innovative development; find a technology partner, ascertain the potential of proprietary technology.
  • How we add value for clients: we draw together expertise within our internal technology practice and that of market research groups, and combine desk studies with communication with market participants.
Typical cases
Typical cases
Clients most frequently request our services for the following cases:
Full-scope market research

Case description: A company is considering expanding its business or establishing a business partnership and would like to assess the opportunities to do so.

Our response: Our study’s methodology entails the following:

  • Study of industry portals and journals, scientific and technical literature and other open sources.
  • Collecting and analysing quantitative information from available databases.
  • Conduct an interview program with industry experts.
  • Implementation of legendary communication with market participants — manufacturers and consumers.
  • Structuring of collected data, their analysis and subsequent synthesis with the development of detailed conclusions and observations.

Benefits to the client:

Information collected, verified and analyzed by us, including on the structure of supply and demand, activities of market players, etc., helps clients make informed decisions on entering certain geographical or product markets, or partnering with certain market players.

Benchmarking research

Case description: A company needs to find a new supplier of certain equipment after its former business partner decided to withdraw from the market.

Our response: The study’s methodology entails the following:

  • Analysis of the market for specified equipment production, including its size, structure and key business models used by the market players.
  • Making a long list of equipment producers.
  • Ranking of producers based on a number of criteria, including company size, types of equipment produced, record of similar supplies, top clients and reputation in the market.
  • Compiling detailed profiles of top-20 market players.

Benefits to the client:

  • Our analysis helps the company to understand the development level and degree of maturity of the market for the analysed equipment.
  • The client gets profiles and contact details of 20 equipment producers that could potentially supply machinery in accordance with its requirements.
Best practice analysis

Case description: A client is considering opportunities for modifying approaches to creation, design and equipping of its museum exhibitions in order to optimize costs, attract more visitors and organize a modern and innovative museum complex.

Our response: The study’s methodology entails the following:

  • Analysis of the concept specifics of the museum complex developed by the client and identification of the key profiles of exhibitions in the museum space.
  • Selection of 12 museums that are most innovative and relevant to the client, the expositions of which corresponded to the profiles and other specifics of the exhibition spaces in the Client’s museum.
  • Preparation of the profiles of the selected museums and their most relevant exhibitions with the indication of the stages of exhibition creation, the volume and the structure of costs for their creation, as well as innovative solutions used in organizing the exhibition space, including exhibition content presentation.
  • Conducting interviews with foreign experts in the field of museum operations that allowed to gain general insights about the stages and timing of exhibition creation, the cost structure for museum space design, factors affecting the exhibition costs, as well as current trends in this field

Benefits to the client:

The results of our work help clients understand which strategies and approaches work in their field and which do not, and adopt best practices from the market.

Preparing expert opinions to be used in court

Case description: A company needs to justify its position in a commercial proceeding or dispute with a regulator.

Our response: Our team:

  • analyzes the state of the product market or industry
  • analyzes market indicators, such as market shares of companies, prices, level of competition, and contribution to the economy in a certain period
  • may act as expert witnesses in the courts, such as ICAC (Moscow), SCC (Stockholm), ICSID (Luxembourg), SIAC (Singapore), LCIA (London), the international court ICC and in other jurisdictions.

Benefits to the client:

We provide an independent expert report that supports the client’s position in court proceedings.

Information and analytical support for a business

Case description: A company wants to be aware of the market, make informed strategic and operational decisions, and increase stakeholder awareness on particular issues.

Our response: Our team can help clients with:

  • outsourcing the work of the internal analytical function;
  • information support for business units (strategy, PR, sales, etc.),
  • preparation of regular reviews on certain topics.

Benefits to the client:

We help clients do analytics faster and more efficiently, free up internal resources to solve other problems, and offer flexible interaction formats.

Technological research and commercialisation of emerging technologies

Case description: A company wants to introduce innovations, choose directions for innovative development, find a technology partner or understand the potential of its own technology.

Our response: Our team:

  • carries out patent and bibliometric research;
  • analyzes technological solutions;
  • analyzes trends in the use and commercialization of the results of research conducted around the world on innovation issues;
  • explores the market for promising technology, develops a go-to-market approach, including value proposition, monetization model, possible partnerships, feasibility study.

Benefits to the client:

We combine the expertise of internal technological practices and market research groups, combine desk research with communication with the market.