We bring our clients unrivaled tax advice, expertise in value-creating transactions, technology and forensic.

Tax & legal services in Serbia

Tax & legal services in Serbia

Our team are experts in international taxation, and we have a deep practical experience in development of tax efficient structures, cross-border tax structuring and restructuring of large MNE groups.

We are also assisting foreign companies as they set up joint ventures, including negotiations with public authorities to obtain the respective approvals. Our client portfolio includes companies in Oil&Gas, Power&Mining, TMT, IT Technology and Software solutions, Real Estate & Construction, Consumer& Industrial markets.

In addition to global Tax & Legal services we also provide the following Serbia-specific services:

Corporate tax incentives
Incentives for newly settled persons

Serbia is a competitive investment destination due to a number of available tax incentives such as Tax Holiday, R&D incentives, IP Box regime and others. We offer:

  • Review of the business structure to identify opportunities for application of tax incentives
  • Identifying potential risks and impact on your business in respect to applying a certain tax incentive
  • Assistance with drafting documentation, forms and risk procedures necessary for proper application of the tax incentive
  • Communication and meetings with relevant state bodies in respect to tax incentives
  • Identifying opportunities to apply tax incentive in the previous periods by adjusted tax returns

Serbian legislation provides for an opportunity to refund up to 70% of salary tax and up to 100% of mandatory contributions to pension and disability insurance withheld/ paid with respect to certain types of employees. In some cases, employers can opt to cease withholding rather than get the refund. With respect to these incentives, we offer:

  • Analysis aimed to identify if your employees can satisfy the conditions to apply for the incentive;
  • Calculation of the tax effect when the incentive is applied;
  • Assistance with drafting documentation and forms supporting the application for the incentive;
  • Submission of the application together with supporting documentation to the relevant authorities and communication with them on the documents.